Highland Park Junior High

November 21st, 2017

Tuesday, November 21st, 2017

“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”

**Please check lost and found, Mr Moulton will be bagging things up and donating this Friday.**

Halifax Explosion Project: There will be mandatory meetings everyday this week at lunch (12:15) in Mr. Jerrett’s room (406).

Any band or vocal students who would like to sing  SOLO or DUET in the upcoming holiday concert are asked to meet with Mrs. Coward-Yaskiw this coming Tuesday at lunch in the music room.

There is a dance Thursday (Nov. 23) from 6:30-8:30pm. The theme is red and black. Anyone who would like to help with decorations, meet in Ms Pratt’s room at lunch!


Girls Volleyball: The girls lost a close match to Park West yesterday. The girls will practice Thursday after school and then will play their last game of the season Monday November 27th against Cunard, Good-luck Girls!

Boys Basketball: There will be a team practice tomorrow (Wednesday) in the gym after school.

Fall Madness: There is a signup sheet outside the gym for anyone who wants to play in the Intramural Basketball League. The League will start next week!

Highland Park Riddle of the Day:

Yesterday's Riddle and Response:

What is harder to catch the faster you run? Your Breath

Today's Riddle:

What is a box with no hinges or lid, but golden treasure inside is hid?

We will tell you the answer tomorrow :-) Have a great day Highland Park!