Highland Park Junior High

Staff Directory

Communication between home and school is extremely important.
Calls and emails sent to staff members will be returned within two business days.


Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Sarka, Kyle Principal (902) 493-5124 ext. 5501001 KSarka@hrce.ca Twitter
Hughes, Victoria Vice Principal (902) 493-5124 ext. 5501002 Victoria.Hughes@hrce.ca Twitter
Coxon, Joanne School Counsellor 50% HPJH / 50% SSES (902) 493-5124 ext. 5502200 jcoxon@hrce.ca
Gerrior, Kelly Main Office Admin Assistant (902) 493-5124 ext. 5501000 KGerrior@hrce.ca

Teaching Staff

Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Bethune, Sarah Science 7-9 / Tech. Ed 7-9 ext. 5504407
Boutilier, Joanne English 7 ext. 5504409 JBoutilier@hrce.ca
Bray, Alexandra Band 7-9 / SS 7-8 / Citizenship 9 / Healthy Living 8 ext. 5504404 Alexandra.Bray@hrce.ca
Chicarella, Jenni Math 7 ext. 5504410 jenni.chicarella@hrce.ca
Fudge, James Learning Centre Teacher ext. 5503301
MacIsaac, Nicole English 9 ext. 5504408 nicole.macisaac@hrce.ca
MacNeil, Brett Phys Ed 7-9 ext. 5501101 Brett.MacNeil@hrce.ca
Pratt, Angela French 7-9 / Food & Nutrition 8 / Healthy Living 7 ext. 5504400
Swift, Jane Resource / student support JSwift@hrce.ca
Tortola, Charlie Math 8-1 / Math 9 ext. 5504406 CTortola@hrce.ca Website

Support Staff

Name Role / Department Phone Email Online
Ashe, Dennis Child & Youth Care Practitioner (CYCP) Dennis.Ashe@hrce.ca
Danch, Ann Marie 100% EPA adanch@hrce.ca
MacKenzie, Alanna School Social Worker
Makmillen, Judy Librarian JMakmillen@hrce.ca Website
McNutt, Brenda Schools Plus Community Outreach Worker 902-233-4395 bmcnutt@hrce.ca
Monk, Karen 100% EPA KMonk@hrce.ca
Steeves, Sharon SchoolsPlus Assistant Leader (902) 219-3668 ssteeves@hrce.ca
Tacloy, Jasmin Head Custodian JTacloy@hrce.ca
Walter , Trevor African Nova Scotia Student Support Worker (Mon & Tues) TWalter@hrce.ca