Highland Park Junior High

January 22nd, 2018

Monday the 22nd of January, 2018.
“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”
Any students who would like to sing in the Valentine’s Coffee House are asked to meet with Mrs. Coward-Yaskiw in the music room at noon on Thursday.  If you’re interested, but a little nervous, show up anyway and talk to Mrs. Coward-Yaskiw just to see what’s involved.  Thanks!
HPJH Ski Trip: There will be a mandatory meeting today, at lunchtime in Mr. Tortolas room.
Highland Park Challenge Cup: please stay tuned in the coming days for team lists and start up dates.
Tech Ed club will not take place until Thursday 25th January starting at 12.30pm. All welcome.
Science extra help is today at lunchtime with Mrs. Bradbury. Come and get any help that you need if you did not understand any science work while she was away, or if you are behind with your work. Armon and Kiez - you need to come and make an appointment to present your project to Mrs. Bradbury today
Student Council Meetings are held Tuesday at 12:30 in Ms. Chicarella’s room. Come and have a say in making life at HPJH better!
Please remember, ALL outdoor jackets must be placed in lockers and are not permitted in class. Be sure to secure your locker properly.
Basketball: There will be practice after school in the gym.
Highland Park Riddle of the Day:
Yesterday’s Riddle:
Answer: Which letter of the alphabet contains the most water?