Highland Park Junior High

February 15th, 2018

Thursday the 15th of February, 2018.

“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”

Every day for the rest of the month we are sharing cool facts from Mr Walter for African Heritage month:
These facts are specific to black Canadian history.
In 1916, Canadian enlistment figures fell from 30,000 to 6,000 per month, while the year-end goal was a force of 500,000. When Reverend C.W. Washington of Edmonton offered to raise an all-Black battalion, military officials authorized the creation of the No. 2 Construction Battalion. The battalion served in France with the Canadian Forestry Corps.


Tech Ed club will take place on Thursdays starting at 12.30pm. All welcome.

Attention Grade 9s! The Citadel Guidance Counsellor’s visit today, Thursday the 15th of February. They will be here to speak to you about moving on up to the big school next year. Make sure you are here to learn all about the course selection process and life at high school.

Pre-IB Info Session! The IB Coordinator from Citadel will be here on Friday 16 February to speak to any grade 9s interested in giving Pre-IB a try next year in grade 10. The info session will take place during period 2 in the library. Any interested students should sign up outside Mr. Lang’s office.

O2 Info for the 9s! The Options and Opportunities (O2) Coordinator from Citadel will be here on the morning of Tuesday 20 February to speak to all of the 9s.

Student Council Meetings are held Tuesday at 12:30 in Ms. Chicarella’s room. Come and have a say in making life at HPJH better!

Please remember, ALL outdoor jackets must be placed in lockers and are not permitted in class. Be sure to secure your locker properly.

Band: Lunch band is cancelled this Friday February 16th. Regular lunch band will continue next week.



Highland Park Challenge Cup: If you are interested in playing but had NOT signed up please see Mr.Maher or email amaher@gnspes.ca by Friday, and we will put you on a team.

Congrats to the Leafs and Redwings who won their first games.

Basketball: All players must return uniforms and pay fees to Mr. Jerrett ASAP!

Badminton: There will be a 2nd tryout Thursday (tomorrow) morning at 8am for anyone interested.

Highland Park Riddle of the Day:

Yesterday’s Riddle: What word begins and ends with an E but only has one letter?

Answer: Envelope

Today's Riddle: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

We will tell you the answer tomorrow :-) Have a great day Highland Park!