Highland Park Junior High

March 5th, 2018

Monday the 5th of March, 2018.

“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”

Tech Ed club will take place today starting at 12.30pm. All welcome.

Options and Opportunities (O2) Test Drive...Wednesday 7 March at Citadel High. The following students are going: Ashley, Cam S., Kyasiah, Nyrell, DD, Patrick, Zack, and Kyle. Please get your consent forms in asap! If any additional spaces come up, Mr. Lang will ask for other interested students.

Student Council Meeting will take place today at 12:30 in Ms. Chicarella’s room. Come and have a say in making life at HPJH better!

Please remember, ALL outdoor jackets must be placed in lockers and are not permitted in class. Be sure to secure your locker properly.


Challenge Cup: schedule and standing are now on the HPJH website. Go to “Our School” and then look under “Athletics”

Basketball: All players must return uniforms and pay fees to Mr. Jerrett ASAP!

Badminton: The 5th tryout will be tomorrow after school at 3pm.

Maher Made Up Fact for the Day

I am right 60% of the time, everytime.

Highland Park Riddle of the Day:

Yesterday’s Riddle:


Today's Riddle: Why would a man living in New York not be buried in Chicago?

We will tell you the answer tomorrow :-) Have a great day Highland Park!