Highland Park Junior High

April 25th, 2018

Wednesday the 25th of April, 2018.

“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”

April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month so be sure to #SHINEBLUENS.

Student Council meetings are held at 12:30 on Tuesdays in Ms Chicerella’s room. Come and have a say in your school activities!

Tech Ed club is not happening today, 26th as Mrs. Bradbury is away today

Science extra help today is changed from lunchtime to after school, from 3pm  to 3.45pm

The Spring Fling Dance will be held Thursday, April 26th from 6:30 to 8:30. Entry fee will be $4. Lucky students could win a door prize for attending!

O2 Interviews will be held on the afternoon of Friday 27 April. Make sure you are ready Zack, Cameron S., DD, Ashton, and Kyle! Practice interview questions were included in your application package. Any concerns, see Mr. Lang.

Grade 8 Upper Clements Park Trip. The grade 8s will be going to Upper Clements Park on Friday 22 June for a day of fun and excitement. Get in your consent forms and your $25 as soon as possible.

Grade 9 Trip: This is a reminder to get your consent forms and money in to the office before May 2, 2018.

Interested in volunteering in your community? Now it is easier than ever to get started. See Mr. Lang for more information or visit onpointvolunteers.org



Challenge Cup:Games will be played on Tuesday, April 24th and Wednesday, April 25th.

Track and Field: There will be a mandatory meeting for everyone who signed up today at break.

Halifax Minor Ball Hockey News: Please see information on bulletin board outside of gym.

Maher Made Up Fact for the Day
A new element was just discovered and will be added to the periodic table, it is called Bradburium. It was found in the UK and is attracted to bacon and eggs.

Riddle of the Day:

Yesterday’s Riddle: What costs nothing but is very hard to find and can easily be lost?


Today's Riddle:


We will tell you the answer tomorrow :-) Have a great day Highland Park!