Highland Park Junior High

November 30th, 2018

Friday, November 30, 2018. Week 1

“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”

Spirit week is next week. Check the signs around the school for themes!

Grade 7 students: Bring back your Discovery Centre trip letters as soon as possible

There will be Math extra help beside the office at 12:20 with Ms. Johnston.


Basketball -  The team is reminded that last night’s cancelled game will be played this Saturday at 10am.

Grade 9 Trip
Please place your bottles and cans in the recycle bins labelled “Grade 9 Trip”.  You can help our environment and pay for your trip at the same time!!

Friday Lunch Hours
All students are to stay away from the band room and gym doors on Fridays due to lunch band.  You must wait until teacher supervision arrives to let you in the gym.

Spirit Week
Monday - Yellow and Blue Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday - Crazy Hair Day
Thursday - Meme Day / Vine Day
Friday - Pyjama Day
:-) Have a great day Highland Park!