Highland Park Junior High

March 14th, 2019

Thursday, March 14th
Week 1

“We would like to begin by acknowledging that we are in Mi’kma’ki (MEEG-MA-GEE), the traditional territory of the Mi’kmaq people”. We want to continue to honour our promise to them to live in peace and friendship.”

Read Tuesdays and Thursdays only:
Today the AIR room is open. This starts at 12.30 in Mr. Masotti’s room. Remember to attend if your teacher has asked you to. All other students welcome to come and work quietly

Read Everyday:
Grade 9s! 02 (Options & Opportunities) Applications are due TODAY! Please see Mr. Lang today if you have any questions!

Read Everyday:
Grade 9s! Let Mr. Lang know ASAP if you are unable to log-in to your powerschool account. He can reset your password if necessary. You will need to be able to log-in to powerschool to select your grade 10 courses for next year.

Please show respect for your school and yourself by being on time in the morning and after lunch. Missed time will be made up at 3pm at the main office.

Read Friday only:
Friday Lunch Hours
All students are to stay away from the band room and gym doors on Fridays due to lunch band.  You must wait until teacher supervision arrives to let you in the gym.


Intermediate badminton practice today at 12:20.

Basketball Boys and Girls teams - please go to Mr. Jarrett’s room at 12:00 today for a pizza lunch!

Gr.9 I AM Potential
Students are reminded that we will be leaving for the NSCC at 2pm today.  Your 5th period teachers are aware.

          :-) Have a great day Highland Park!